Members of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (or Vincentians) are men and women who strive to grow spiritually by offering person-to-person service to persons in need.
It is this personalized involvement that makes the work of the Society unique. Vincentians visit those in need in their homes to assess how best to help. It could be financial aid, tangible aid, such as furniture, food, or diapers, or spiritual help.
The Society also has an advocacy role for those who are defenseless or voiceless. In 2015, more than 210,000 people were aided in the Sacramento Council area by Vincentians.
For more information please visit the council website or call: 916-455-2581
St. Vincent de Paul Ministry Activities
“What can we do to accomplish the works of God?” Your generous donations to our St. Vincent de Paul Society through last Sunday’s second collection and contributions to our Poor Box stands in response to this question raised in today’s Gospel. Thank you. With the money you contributed we will feed the hungry and help people in need with other necessities as well. If you feel called to direct personal service to people in need please contact us at 916-455-2581.
Saint Peter-All Hallows' SVdP serves our parish zip codes of 95820 and 95824.
People living in the 95817 zip code are served by Immaculate Conception Church; with zip codes of 95818, Hoiy Spirit Church; 95819, Saint Mary's Church; 95823, St. Charles Borromeo Church..