Currently the Parish School Facilties are used by a local private school for children and young adults with special needs and for Parish Faith Formation classes on the weekends.
To see the list of Catholic Elementary school in the the area Click Here.
Reflecting the late-forties influx of families into the new neighborhoods, All Hallows Parish School opened in 1948, staffed by the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The parish school became the City of Sacramento's seventh Catholic elementary school, matching the architectural styles of its contemporaries Holy Spirit and Sacred Heart Schools.
Classes at All Hallows School in the fifties and sixties frequently numbered into the seventies, taught by still-famed All Hallows BVM Sisters:
Mary Sarah James (Dolores Doohan), Francilla (Kirby), Julia Patrice (Ange Cadigan), St. Austin (requiescat in pacem), Paul (requiescat in pacem), Margaret, Margretina (requiescat in pacem), Pauline (requiescat in pacem), Incarnata (Gephardt), Beatrice (requiescat in pacem), Ann Irene, Margaret Daniel (requiescat in pacem), John William (Nan Ross), Romaine (requiescat in pacem), Teresetta (Ellen Murphy), Paul Thomas (Elizabeth Olsen), Frances, Sylvia, Virginie, Katherine Patrice (requiescat in pacem), Caritas (Roberta White), and, of course, Noella (Cavallero). Sister Mary Noella, BVM, served at All Hallows first as classroom teacher (1964-1970), and then as principal until 1989, the year of the BVMs' withdrawal from the Parish School. (Reflecting All Hallows' Irish pedigree, girls and boys uniforms always included the color green a tradition that continued well into the 1980s.)
Over the history of the school, famed lay teachers include Mrs. Nan Wilbur (requiescat in pacem), Mrs. Mary Kassis (who taught two generations of All Hallows students), Mrs. Jeanine Owens, Miss Margaret Lipper, and Mr. Eamon Kelly. Mrs. Owens also taught at St. Peter Parish School. Mr. William Condos was the first male lay teacher, arriving in 1966.
All Hallows School, by then re-named John Paul II School (in honor of Pope Saint John Paul II), closed in June 2010.