Then opportunity awaits you. We are seeking drought resistant perennials acclimated to our long warm summers and moderate winters. Review our list of appropriate plants and make your choices. Drop your plants off at the rectory. Once in the ground we will have quarterly planting/weeding parties to maintain the plants. Thanks in advance for your generosity.
Thanks to the Sacramento Tree Foundation and
SMUD's Sacramento Shade Program the dying trees that have served us well but are now a hazard have been removed. These trees will be replaced with trees recommended to us by the foundation, see below.
Thanks for all the help today with the planting. We got the 7 trees we have in the ground. We have 14 more trees being delivered in the spring and will be organizing another planting then!
Two crape myrtle trees were planted on the West Side of the school along 13th Ave.
A Native Valley Oak and a Chinese Pistache were planted in front of the school
Two Pink Dawn Chitalpa were planted under the bell tower
In February 2019 at the recommendation of the Sacramento Tree Foundation all ash trees along 13th avenue were removed due to age, disease, and termites. We are working with the Tree Foundation to develop an appropriate plan for replanting the trees.