"Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!" (Revelation 19:9)
"The Eucharist contains all of the Church's spiritual treasure, that is, Christ Himself, our Passover. It is the centre and the summit of all Christian life. The liturgy of the Word and Eucharistic liturgy are so closely linked that they form a single act of faith. No Christian community can exist without finding its root and its centre in the celebration of the Eucharist."
(Second Vatican Council)
Reminder that mass is a celebration in God’s house, please dress appropriately.
Every First Sunday of the Month at the 10:30 AM mass.
These masses will include children and young adults who are part of the Faith Formation Program at the Parish. They will be participating in many of the ministries that are part of the mass, as: lectors, ushers/greeters, and gift-bearers.
We will also be using readings with adapted language better suited for children and families.