An altar server assists the priest or deacon at Mass by preparing the altar and acting as server during Mass. Acolytes are experienced adult altar servers who take on the responsibility for setting up the furniture and vessels before Mass. They also assist the priest or deacon as a server during mass. We provide initial and ongoing training to our ministers. Contact:
Lynda Struebing
(916)456-7206 ext. #4
[email protected].
Eucharistic Ministers (EMs), after going through the training, will make arrangements with Saint Peter and All Hallows’ Coordinator to visit those who are unable to attend Mass. The EM will bring the Eucharist and pray with the person. This can be done on weekends or weekdays. Contact:
Lynda Struebing
(916)456-7206 ext. #4
[email protected].
The ministry of Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) is a fulfilling one for parishioners who wish to serve their community. It makes few demands on your time beyond a planned attendance at Mass. There is a brief training session and occasional refresher sessions. Contact:
Lynda Struebing
(916)456-7206 ext #4
[email protected].
To be a Greeter you must arrive at church 30 minutes early to greet people as they arrive for Mass and distribute bulletins and music programs. The ushers also welcome people and are helpful to all who come to Saint Peter and All Hallows’. They direct the flow of activity in the church and are aware of anyone who is in need, take up the collection, direct the communicants, and answer questions. Both greeters and ushers should help at the end of service to remove any non-pertinent papers from the pews. For more information contact:
Lynda Struebing
(916)456-7206 ext. #4
[email protected].
Training sessions for those interested in being commissioned as lectors are held privitely. Lectors are scheduled for Masses as needed and have occasional days of reflection. If you would like to be trained for this beautiful ministry, please contact:
Lynda Struebing
(916)456-7206 Ext. #4
[email protected].
Our trained cantors lead the assembly in the acclamations, hymns and songs.
Our Contemporary Choir and Ensemble leads a diverse congregation of all ages and households - from young families, Young Adults, not so Young Adults and Seniors. Under the direction of Maria Hoyos, the choir specializes in recently composed (contemporary) music for choir along with traditional hymns. For more information contact:
Lynda Struebing
(916)456-7206 ext. #4
[email protected].
Our Contemporary Choir and Ensemble is a group of singers and instrumentalists including pianist, guitars, wind instruments, occasional drums and percussion instruments. The repertoire includes traditional hymns as well as contemporary music. New members are always welcome. Rehearsals are at 9:30 A.M. Sunday morning before the 10:30A.M. Mass. For more information contact:
Lynda Struebing
(916)456-7206 ext. #4
[email protected].
Our Spanish Choirs and ensembles leads music in Spanish at the 6:00P.M. Saturday Mass and Sundays at the 12:30P.M.(Family Mass) and 7:00P.M. Masses. Contact:
Lynda Struebing
(916)456-7206 ext. #4
[email protected].
Our Hmong Choir leads music in Hmong at the Sunday 2:30P.M. Hmong Mass. Contact:
Lynda Struebing
(916)456-7206 ext. #4
[email protected].